William Herschel's(1738-1822)

picture source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Herschel_40_foot.jpg

Herschell's Oboe Concerto in C
A short list of some of William Herschel's papers
On the proper Motion of the Sun and Solar System, 1783(John Flamsteed, 1646-1719)
On the Construction of the Heavens, 1785 Figure 4
A Catalog of 1000 New Nebulae, 1786
Discovery of Infrared Spectrum, 1800 Note p 291, quote fom Newton's natural philosophy about like effects and like causes.
Published a catalog of 2500 nebulae during his lifetime
Discovered the planet Uranus and two moons, Titania and Oberon
Discovered some moons of Saturn, Mimas and Enceladus
Published catalogs of double stars and showed that many double stars are true doubles and not optical doubles. This demonstrated that Newtonian gravity worked outside the solar system too.
Attempted to determine the structure of the Milky Way by "star gauges"
Proposed a morphologically based naming scheme for nebulae
Most important astronomer of the 18th to 19th century. Crowe calls him a "Celestial Naturalist"
Herschel Space Observatory