Daylight Calculation - Exercise

We can make an approximate determination of the length of daylight at any latitude on the earth if we know the declination angle of the sun for that day. What we ignore in this approximation is the fact that the sun moves approximately one degree across the celestial sphere in a 24 hour period. We also ignore the effects of atmospheric refraction which enables us to see the sun even when it is below the geometrical horizon. Using the equations on the previous page calculate the number of hours of daylight at Spokane, Washington on the following two dates:
(A) June 22
(B) December 22

In order to answer these questions you must draw in the horizon circle(actually line in this drawing) for the latitude of Spokane. This can be determined using a good map, globe, or off the web U.S. census service .

You must also draw in the declination circle/line for the sun's location on these dates.