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    User name kuss

    Log entry time 15:18:09 on February 5,2000

    Entry number 32684

    keyword=resolution of 1856

    Emiss of run 1856, analyzed with the espace on adaql1.
    sigma of the ground state is 2MeV, compared to 0.8MeV for kin #16(???) which wa analyzed with Nilanga's raster correction.
    The correction I implemented yesterday and which worked yesterday for the test run doesn't work anymore. I used for that two channels in ROC14 where the VMIC was plugged in. Yesterday it worked fine, but not today, so I called Bob.
    He told me that these ADC's were removed, so actually there should be nothing in those channels. It's not understood why it worked.
    Bob checked that the Struck ADC values are reasonable, so the beam position can be corrected after the burst mode is implemented in espace.

    FIGURE 1