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    User name Calarco

    Log entry time 16:00:33 on February 6,2000

    Entry number 32901

    keyword=Shift summary

    08:00 Expect to start energy change to 1.95 GeV within 30-60 minutes
    08:20 Have talked to Bob Michaels, who will look into DAQ problems during the
    energy change. Mark Stevens will come in momentarily to assist in angle
    change for HRSe.
    08:25 Ended 12C QES run 1933. Started run 1934. Expecting MCC to contact us
    soon (?). Have talked to Bob again. He cannot come in until after 2:30PM.
    09:10 Ended run 1934. MCC will start energy change. Mark Stevens in. We start
    access to change spectrometer angles
    10:30 Angles set to theta_e=13.07 and theta_p=21.66; momenta set to P_e=1.944
    and P_p=1.915. Both sets of quads were recycled first.
    10:45 Have talked again with Bob. He will come in at 3PM. He has replayed the
    last 50 events in one of the runs that crashed last night and sees nothing
    spurious. He suspects network problem or ROC14 CPU problem.
    11:00 Checked HRS angles at alternate readings. Electron floor marks and verniers
    give (13.0, +46.9)=13.072 and (13.5,-41.0)=13.065. Hadron numbers are
    (21.0,+76.5)=21.660 and (21.5,-10.0)=21.661
    12:00 Still waiting for beam.
    12:40 Beam now ready for Compton group.
    13:00 Beam is not really useable for 12C run because of Compton tuning.
    13:20 Compton group is still tuning. Since they want to go to 100 microA, we
    will remove the 12C and put in the 3He and run in elastic mode on 3He.
    14:00 We cannot run on 3He at 13 deg at 100 microA. Count rate in HRSe is in
    excess of 1 MHz and VDC currents are 60-75 microA. We have removed
    target and are letting Compton run with no target in place.
    14:30 Have a new failure mode on CODA. All ROCs respond but we cannot
    successfully configure CODA to the point we can start a run. Have tried
    repeatedly to kcoda and runcontrol, but result is always the same.
    15:00 Bob is in. We will take an access at 3:30 (Compton expects to be finished
    by then) to swap in a new ROC. This hopefully will cure the ROC14
    problem. Working on the other one(s).
    15:15 Beam is off anyway due to accelerator problem.
    15:30 Access to swap out ROC14. Bob has discovered ET system does not work.
    Compton also using the access.
    16:00 Bob will make a detailed log entry on his CODA findings.

    All in all, not an awe inspiring shift!!