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    User name R. Michaels

    Log entry time 16:44:30 on February 6,2000

    Entry number 32915

    keyword=DAQ problems, possible solutions

    There seems to have been at least two problems with DAQ:
    1) ROC14 dies about once an hour. 2) The event recorder ER1
    loses contact with runcontrol. Actually, it seems other things
    can lose their connection.

    Regarding ROC14, it seemed likely a hardware problem with
    the cpu. This cpu was dying periodically for 6 months with the
    frequency dramatically increased recently. So I swapped the cpu.
    Another possible problem was that the hardware addresses for
    the two network cards were identical; since our routing is now
    done through one router this leads to network inefficiencies. (I admit
    I don't really know...) So, we made these addresses different.

    Tests at 2 kHz with loose scint trigger -- CODA works no worse
    than before.

    Regarding problem 2), ER1 etc becoming in state "disconnected".
    It is almost a meaningless problem, i.e. data still comes in and is
    written to disk. The main thing is to be careful how to end the run
    and restart. The following procedure should work: 1) Ignore the
    messages; 2) End the run when you wish; 3) Press "reset" button
    in top left corner of runcontrol; 4) Press "configure" and select
    your config (normally "twospect"); 5) Press "download" .
    Then start the next run. Whew !!!

    Another problem, it may be related to Calarco's troubles. I could
    not start CODA with coda_er, coda_eb, and et_start in the background.
    Totally don't understand why. But when I start them interactively in
    the workspace "coda_er" it seems fine. After a "kcoda" you will
    need to restart coda_er and coda_eb by repeating the last such command.
    (Do a "history 10" to see the last command). You do not have to restart
    "et_start", however. If these commands get lost, here they are for the
    1. ER1, type this:
    coda_er -i -s tst1 -n ER1 -t ER -f /home/adev/scripts/bobfile.tcl
    2. EB, type this:
    coda_eb -i -s tst1 -n EB -t CDEB
    3. ET system, do this:
    rm /tmp/et_sys_tst1
    et_start -n 1000 -s 20000