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    User name R. Michaels

    Log entry time 10:17:16 on February 7,2000

    Entry number 33022

    keyword=BPM resolution, ADC problems

    Plots below show some things about the BPM measurements
    using the Struck 7510 ADC ("burst mode" ADC, new for this expt).
    I checked several runs, they were similar. Some comments:
    1. The oval correlation between BPM and raster current shifts
    around (one sometimes sees two ovals in one plot). 2) If I cut
    on the raster to require less than 10 micron motion, I get the
    BPM distribution in fig 1 bottom two plots. Intrinsic resolution
    is about 100 microns (sigma). 3) There is a problem with the
    Struck ADC that it sometimes reads a completely spurious value,
    see fig 2. There is a 2nd ADC, a LeCroy 1182, which I believe
    is very reliable and reads copies of the data. (It is a charge integrating
    ADC with 50 nsec gate). One can see the LeCroy is always clean,
    while the Struck has about 1% of events that look like junk. But when
    not junk, the two are correlated. 4) We are not making optimum use
    of the ADC dynamic range (both are 12-bit). At the moment the bit
    resolution is ~20 microns, which is better than the total resolution. We
    could adjust this with about a 1 hour access, but it seems not necessary.

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2