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    User name M. Rvachev

    Log entry time 08:05:59 on February 8,2000

    Entry number 33113

    keyword=Shift summary

    Since we cannot run with OTR in at currents higher than 45uA (an ion chamber trips
    in the beamline) it was decided to run at maximum available (94uA) current with
    periodic switches to 45 uA to check beam width in arc given by OTR.

    0:19 Start taking kin 25 data at 94uA

    Checked detectors with dhist, hana and espace. Everything looks very good. As
    mentioned on a previuos shift rate of T4 is appr. the same as T3, probably due to
    background, as hana shows not many T4 that should be T3. As in a shift before
    we see double spikes in hadron S1 TDC, which are probably coming from T4s.
    Electron VDC efficiency ~99.7%, hadron ~99.5%, scintillator efficiency in hana
    shows as close to 1.

    From previous shift summary: Total events on kin 26 so far: 3.9M; 2bbu sum: 192

    2:00 Target data acq. reboot because data were not refreshed.
    5:35 MCC fixes problems with cavities
    5:55 MCC says they are down for at least an hour
    7:55 MCC says they are down for development for ~4 hours

    run# start stop events Sum comments
    1989 0:19 1:17 1M 4.9M 94uA, OTR out
    1990 1:20 1:32 0.1M 5M 45uA, OTR in
    1991 1:39 2:37 1M 6M 95uA, OTR out
    1992 2:40 2:53 0.1M 6.1M 45uA, OTR in, shows 85 um width
    1993 2:57 3:52 1M 7.1M 94uA, out
    1994 3:54 4:07 0.1M 7.2M 45uA, in
    1995 4:18 5:19 1M 8.2M 94uA, out
    1996 5:20 5:48 0.1M 8.3M 45uA, in

    Up to now estimate of 2bbu events is 166. Scaling estimate of previous shift
    to 8.3M events recorded the estimate is 700 events.