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    User name R. Michaels

    Log entry time 10:03:14 on February 8,2000

    Entry number 33120

    keyword=probably solution to ER1 woes

    Randy MacLeod of DAQ group found out that "datamon"
    takes 15% of the SunOS kernel time, presumably it is
    very inefficient. This probably led to the problem of ER1 losing its
    communication to runcontrol at high rates. The long-term solution is
    for me to learn TCL/TK better, but the short-term and simpler
    solution is to run "datamon" on adaqs3 only. Actually this
    is now automatic, because now if the shift workers try to run datamon
    on adaqs2 where CODA runs, they will get a friendly reminder
    of what to do. And "datamon" is rarely re-started.