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    User name Hansen

    Log entry time 00:07:31 on February 9,2000

    Entry number 33176

    keyword=Shift summary

    This was a fairly uneventful shift. Beam arrived around 16:00 and we commenced
    tuning the intrinisic beam size using harp scans. This took approximately two
    hours until 18:00. The final intrinsic beam size achieved was approximately
    95x95 um (sigma_x times sigma_y). We then turned the beam raster on and
    checked the raster size with both harp scans and spot++, resulting in apprixmately
    4x4 mm (spot++). At 18:30, we began data taking for kinematics #25.
    During the shift, we collected approximately 4.5M raw events for these
    kinematics, bringing the total collected to 16.5M. It was decided that we
    will continue at these settings unil we reach 20M events.

    One item of concern was the beam current, which began dropping from
    95 uA initially to 85 uA during the shift. After discussion with MCC, we
    decided to ask for an increase of the source laser power if the current should
    drop below 80 uA. Thismay occur during the next shift.

    The target density is lower than normal due to gas loss earlier in the
    day. No gas was added to the target during this shift, but there are
    plans to do so at an opportune time later.

    Ole Hansen