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    User name LeRose

    Log entry time 00:11:48 on February10,2000

    Entry number 33294

    keyword=Shift Summary

    Completed program at kinematics #33
    Beam 1953 MeV
    Earm 1117 MeV/c 49.87 degrees
    Harm 1500 MeV/c 34.7 degrees
    Targets: 3He, 12C, Dummy (4, 10, & 15 cm)
    OTR removed when we went to 100 microamps (ep ion chamber trips!)
    Changed to Kinematics #34
    Harm 1493 MeV/c 40.4 degrees
    Tried to go to 115 microamps and had problems with beam loss trips. Settled for 100.
    Shift ends with production underway on 3He at kinematics 34