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    User name Marty

    Log entry time 10:41:51 on February11,2000

    Entry number 33504

    keyword=Cuts for 4.8 GeV running

    Here are the cuts that should be applied to the perpendicular kinematics
    and the desired number of counts within these cuts.


    Perpendicular Kinematics - Cuts and Counts

    kin. q omega pmiss counts (within these cuts)

    1 1482 - 1518 823 - 851 0 - 105 40,000

    4 1482 - 1518 823 - 851 100 - 216 14,440
    5 1482 - 1518 823 - 851 100 - 216 6,767

    7 1482 - 1518 823 - 851 250 - 360 1,402
    8 1482 - 1518 823 - 851 250 - 360 349

    10 1482 - 1518 823 - 851 375 - 482 462
    11 1482 - 1518 823 - 851 375 - 482 100

    13 1482 - 1518 823 - 851 499 - 606 186
    14 1482 - 1518 823 - 851 499 - 606 48