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    User name R. Michaels

    Log entry time 04:04:34 on February12,2000

    Entry number 33623

    keyword=cpu states when ER1/deadtime problems

    The two times tonight we got "ER1 disconnect" which after a
    couple minutes led to largish deadtime fluctuations we
    noticed the CPU became ~0% idle and ~80-90% bound
    in "iowait", though there were no processes in the process
    list that dominated. Once when we stopped ESPACE (on adaqL1)
    the deadtime sank from the 50% to normal 10%. So far, marginal
    evidence that it helps to run ESPACE on the previous run,
    not the present run, when running at or above ~1 kHz. Jumping
    disk head ? Maybe I'm wrong. Keep an eye on it.