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    User name Tieulent

    Log entry time 23:15:26 on February12,2000

    Entry number 33782

    keyword=HARP scan

    WE starft the first harp scan (run 499) with sigma x = 200 and sigma y = 123 on the scanner 6.
    After couple iteration on the quad H01 and C20 we get these final value.
    H01 is now : -10668.0
    C20 is now : 45907.7

    BPM 3bX= -0.002
    BPM 3BY = 0.037

    HARP scan run 515 (No Raster)
    scan 6 :
    sigma x = 136. um
    sigma y = 135 um

    HARP scan run 516 (Raster ON)
    scan 6
    x base width = 4854 um
    45 deg base width = 9631 um

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2