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    User name Ole Hansen

    Log entry time 23:57:38 on February14,2000

    Entry number 33989

    keyword=Shift Summary

    16:00-17:00...Waiting for beam, which is intermittent. Got 15 minutes of
    useful ep data.
    17:00-18:30...ep measurement. Some background/tuning problems, so we are not
    yet sure if the data are good.
    18:30..............End ep. Setting up for data taking on 3He. Raster on.
    18:45..............OTR beam energy width is ~0.15mm at 50uA.
    19:10..............Max. current is 110 uA. Higher current cause beam instabilities.
    MCC is investigating. Meanwhile, we start data taking.
    19:15..............3He target in. Begin kinematics #10. Goal is 20 hours of data
    taking time.
    ~20:00............Target chamber vacuum is rising. Leak? Michael Kuss investigating.
    We decide not to worry until the vacuum gets worse than 1e-4. We
    reduce current to 105uA, which seems to slow down the rise.
    ~23:00.............Discover a certain loss in z-position resolution in the electron
    spectrometer. See halog 33984 and 33987. Decide to reduce
    current to 98uA.

    Smooth running since 19:15. Got 4.75 hours of data at kinematics #10.