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    User name Saha

    Log entry time 12:14:54 on February16,2000

    Entry number 34107

    keyword=MCC Meeting - Higher beam currents

    After a meeting with Hall B and MCC personnel, we agreed to the following:

    1. Today, Thursday and Friday the machine will go to elevated current for
    Hall A in order to study the beam current limitation they have. During
    these times Hall B may experience machine trips at a higher rate than usual.

    2. These periods of elevated current will not last longer than four hours
    each day.

    3. If machine trips start tripping Hall B drift chambers, then they can request
    that the studies cease.

    Recent history has Hall A running comfortably at 120 uA. The onset of
    problems is at around 130 uA and the final goal is to run at 140 uA.

    Shift personnel should be aware of whether or not we are in the
    elevated-current mode via communication with MCC and keeping an eye on the
    beam parameters being delivered to Hall A.