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    User name kuss

    Log entry time 20:58:09 on February18,2000

    Entry number 34461

    keyword=target lifter problem

    Seems we have a target movement problem. When the tuna can was in, MCC could not deliver beam to us, the beam dump ion chamber tripped.
    If I moved on empty, beam could be delivered. Going to BeO, 5µA could be delivered, but we didn't see anything on the video screen.
    We had the opportunity due to a HRSE Q3 quench to go into the hall. Visually positions seem to be ok, but when the target was moved we heared loud noise from the top of the target chamber, and the lifter setup seemed to shake.
    We called the counting house to press the kill button.

    The ARM finished the survey, RadCon was called and Mike Seely who just came in. He will have a look.