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    User name kuss

    Log entry time 00:22:46 on February19,2000

    Entry number 34462

    keyword=shift summary

    shiftcrew Kuss/Chai

    kin #13

    from the previous shift: 16.9M


    System checks

    Harp scans without and with raster


    Problems going back to 120µA, beam dump ion chamber is tripping.
    We move the target out, and MCC can make 120µA. Thus empty target position seems to be ok.
    We move the 3He in, ion chamber trips again.
    To check the target/beam position, we move the BeO in.
    No spot on the BeO for 5µA, which is strange. I zero the target position.

    19:30: HRSE Q3 quenched, Helium level is low. Rusty will come in.

    Zero the target movement (two times). Moving back to the BeO position I come back to the same circle which I marked on the video before. I will take the opportunity to peek at the target for burn spots, holes etc.

    For the rest on the target please read the halog #34461.

    Zhengwei is analyzing the number of events in the two body peak. He finds 160 in 1M events. To get 4800, we have to get 30M events, thus 12.4M more needed. We take 700k in 1h, thus we would need 17.7h more.

    Most probably something at the lifter, motor, bearing, gearbox, is broken. To fix that we have to warm up, and we may not come back before the maintainance days. Mike, JP, Joe, Michael and Riad agreed to wait for a warm up till tomorrow morning, maybe someone has a genius idea to fix, whatever it is, without warming up. We meet again at 9am.