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    User name M. Rvachev

    Log entry time 08:05:52 on February26,2000

    Entry number 34541

    keyword=Shift summary

    Shift crew ***Marat Rvachev, Xiaodong Jiang, Christophe Furget***

    3:00 Got beam. MCC says the maximum current they can give is 60uA now, to
    increase that they would need to call injector people and stop beam delivery for
    ~4-6 hours. Hall B has priority now and wants to run. Agreed that MCC will call
    injector people first thing in the morning.

    Started harp scans

    2330 7 hour cosmic run, some pulsed beam in the end (empty target)
    2331 Empty target, harp scan (run #554) with no raster
    2332 He3 target, harp scan (run#555) with raster on(4*4 on spot++)

    Checked beam position on BeO target. Beam hits the center of the target (see
    halog entry).

    4:10 Kin 13 runs He3 at 54uA:

    2336 goes into next shift

    corr_time_sum is time corrected for the fact that the current we were
    running at is appr. twice lower than in runplan.