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    User name M. Rvachev

    Log entry time 03:07:13 on February27,2000

    Entry number 34666

    keyword=Lost some epics signals on hac

    At 1:40 MCC rebooted IOC controlling cryogenic signals from spectrometers and
    after that He3 levels in spectrometers on magnet screen turned white color and
    stopped updating. "caget" command shows that the readings "stuck", but on MCC
    computers these signals update well, so apparently hac computer lost some
    connection. We decided to leave it like that until morning, meanwhile someone
    from MCC created a temporary screen on hiresxt20 showing the 8 "white" signals
    and we monitor them. Also accidentally current stripchart was closed and fonts
    on magnet screen changed to small ones. In the morning someone will have to
    restore that.