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    User name kuss

    Log entry time 15:03:09 on March 2,2000

    Entry number 35249

    This entry is a followup to: 35246


    keyword=setting for kin #60out

    I moved the spectrometers to (nominally) 41.24deg (HRSE) and 19.87deg (HRSH). I don't know how to interpret the LVDT readings, if they are reliable or not.
    Putting the floormark and vernier for HRSE into the GUI I realized that the vernier I would have to specify to exactly achieve 41.24deg would be -7mm. setspec gave -14.1mm, the vernier I got is -13.5mm. But the resulting deviation is just 0.04deg.

    The field in HRSE was set, according to Doug's runplan, to a momentum of 0.60934GeV/c. I cycled all Q2s, Q3s, and the HRSE Q1 which stubbornly stayed at a field which corresponded to a momentum that was slighly to low, marking the momentum setting red. I thought maybe that will fix it, let's see.

    FIGURE 1