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    User name M. Rvachev

    Log entry time 03:03:24 on March 6,2000

    Entry number 35679

    keyword=Problems setting momentum in ED to 417MeV

    While MCC is having problems with delivering beam, we are having problems with
    setting E-arm momentum to 417MeV. Typing in "0.417" takes electron dipole to
    field 418.1MeV. Typing in 418MeV takes it to 419.1MeV. By Marty's instructions
    changed probe to 3 with regulator "OFF" and comp. coil voltage 1V. This made
    field 417.8MeV with "0.417" typed in. Then something uncomprehended happened
    and the dipole field got set at 416.99MeV. Left it like that.

    Meanwhile we got "M3/M4 OverTemp" fault on the dipole. It's operation does not
    seem to be affected. Anyway, we decided to call tech and are making access now
    to reset it.