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    User name LeRose

    Log entry time 12:30:48 on March 6,2000

    Entry number 35689

    keyword=Electron 374 MeV/c Proc

    To set the electron arm for 374 MeV/c
    1. Type 0.374 for P0 on the main control display.
    2. On "HRS Electron Dipole NMR" control panel select probe 3
    3. Wait for NMR to LOCK
    4. On "HRS Electron Dipole NMR" control panel turn regulator ON (it will have turned off when you executed step 1 above)
    5. On "Electron Arm Dipole Systems" panel (the magnet power supply) observe that the regulator is working. (Current set will update automatically. Be patient!)
    6. Magnet will settle in to the desired setting.
    7. Don't forget to tweak q1 to get the right value there.
    Problems? call me:
    office 7624
    pager 849-7624
    home 565-5060 after hours this is generally more reliable than the pager