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    User name Templon

    Log entry time 16:02:01 on March 6,2000

    Entry number 35697

    keyword=shift summary

    Shift Summary

    0800 -- 1120 Nothing happening. Accelerator tuning.
    1120 MCC says at least another hour. John Lerose is here and will try
    to see what we can do with electron dipole to get to next setting
    p_e = 374 MeV/c
    1200 MCC calls to inform of impending pulsed beam; will check our orbit
    1240 John completes magnet test and recycle to current setting. also cosmic
    run was ended in hope that we will get beam soon.
    1305 accelerator ioc crashes -- still not happy out there.
    1310 accelerator request to put 5 uA CW beam in hall. 3He target, raster on
    1330 accelerator ready to return beam. they note that to tune beam, they lowered
    arc energy setting by an amount of about 0.2 MeV
    1400 entry to hall - reboot IOC for harp scanner
    1500 still no harp scanner.
    1515 harp scanner back! boot script had changed (why?) which prevented
    ioc machine from proper reboot. now recovering from access
    1540 start harp scans (beam returns to target)
    1557 stop harp scans. otr width x4 too big. MCC adjusting.

    Long shift with no data on tape.