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    User name kuss

    Log entry time 23:39:39 on March 8,2000

    Entry number 35948

    This entry is a followup to: 35813

    keyword=new espace and the width of kin#3

    Emiss resolution of run #2656, the low density run at kin #3.
    It was analyzed with a new espace patch which uses the burst mode bpm information for beam position reconstruction. The espace_kumac/5.kumac was used for analysis,
    with the standard data bases used therein.

    The sigma is a tad wider than in Nilangas analysis. Just statistics, different data base or different reconstructed beam position?

    Some notes to the new espace patch:

    I used the Feb 3 bulleye run with simultaneous harp scan and coda runs to calibrate the bpm readings. The advantage of the burst mode bpm readings are that this calibration is independent of the beam tune, thus also of beam energies etc. Also, no extra line in the header file is required. So, from now on the beam position should be (hopefully) always correct, till the electronics hardware is modified, which may require a retune.

    The header files, as now distributed, contain the line beam_vertex r 5 2 x x x x. In the patched version this line will be ignored, and always the bpm information will be used. This is equivalent to a beam_vertex r 1 1 line. Thus, the header files don't need to be changed immediately, but the next official espace version will not ignore it.

    The beam position on the target can be checked with the (old) variables beam_x and beam_y. Though I propose not to change the 5.kumac now, the "chain" command may get confused if it has to chain ntuples with different contents.

    espace will link to espace290Kuss, the old espace is still accessible as espace281Kuss.

    FIGURE 1