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    User name Eric Voutier

    Log entry time 15:54:04 on March 9,2000

    Entry number 36005

    keyword=Shift summary

    New Crew on Shift: Bob Michaels, Dick Lindgren, Eric Voutier

    08:10 Giving back the beam to MCC in order to improve the cathode to be able to
    go to higher currents (130uA is our target value).

    10:15 Beam is back, asking 5uA to check the beam parameters.

    10:25 Raster problems, MCC loose control of the raster (switch on/off)

    10:33 (entry 35980) MCC needs access to recover the control of the raster.

    11:15 Q1 trip in the hadron arm...

    11:25 Technician is in to recover Q1... it seems to be a vacuum problem; paging Ed.

    12:15 Going back to beam permit

    12:30 Harp scans and spot++ beam checks (OTR in) (entries #35980 #35992)

    13:00 Back to data taking

    13:15 MCC loose regulation control of the beam dump... no beam once again!

    13:25 Troubles with the FFB in hall A

    14:18 Give back beam for reduced current to check some OTR stuff, we will still
    continue data taking at smaller current

    14:30 Back on data taking

    15:00 Give back beam to solve the trips at high current

    15:15 Back on data taking at 125uA; JT valves for the target has been opened +2%
    (Jt1=40.72%, Jt2=44.22%) and the remaining cryopower is 40-50W.