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    User name Higinbotham

    Log entry time 22:47:58 on March11,2000

    Entry number 36160

    keyword=Cooling Back Down

    Helium flow has been retstored to the Hall and we are now working to
    recover the target and the magnets.

    The electron arm has been set back to its old values and the quads have
    been cycled.

    Due to a trip in the Hadron arm, we had to wait for the current to drop to
    zero before turning the power back on. It was turned back on around 10:30
    and is slowly returning to its previous value. The quads have been cycled.

    M. Kuss will begin the cooling of the target as soon as the pressure in the
    scattering chamber has returned to normal. During the warm-up the
    pumps to the chamber tripped. It will be approx. 11:30 before cooling down
    of the target can begin.

    Be have been in contact with Hall-B and we will do our best not to trip the
    Hall-B magnets during our cool down. This means cooling down a bit slower
    than our last cool down.