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    User name Eric Voutier

    Log entry time 08:15:11 on March12,2000

    Entry number 36176

    keyword=Shift Summary

    New Crew on Shift : Eric Voutier, Pete Markowitz, Tony Cochran, Pibero Djawotho

    00:00 Michael Kuss is here also to take care of the target cool-down; the procedure
    is now in progress.

    02:30 Beam is back; checking spot size (102um x 95um) and raster width (4 x 4)
    (entry 36169)

    02:50 OTR has been checked; the couting house screen does not give the possibility
    of switching to "Hall A and C" as it was before... as a matter of fract the numbers we
    get are different from MCC ones; the OTR screen of MCC was entered in the ELOG
    (entry #103967) and looks perfectly within our tolerance limits (0.144, 0.102).

    04:05 Stop current run #2745 due to sudden high dead time (100%); everything
    looks okay from the Rocs and the Trigger Supervisor... start run again and the dead
    time goes back to 0-2%!!... ??

    05:05 Q1 of the hadron trip (it could have been several minuts before we notrice it);
    we did not succeed to bring it back and page the technician on call... This trip is
    certainly connected to tyhe ESR crash which was about 5:30.

    05:50 ESR crash, the target is warming-up rapidly as well as the pressure; calling
    Joe Mitchell who is coming along; actionning the relieve valve to decrease the target

    06:15 The magnet are kept to nul current to preserve them while ESR is being
    brought back.

    08:15 Cryopower comes back...