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    User name Epstein

    Log entry time 15:28:28 on March12,2000

    Entry number 36194

    keyword=Shift Summary

    Around 6:00 ESR tripped again. Have set all spectrometer magnet currents to zero.
    When we get back on the air Arun reminds us we need to check the beam
    energy strip chart since we are using the Hall C energy lock. We also need to
    get MCC to reset the Monticello screens to allow us to monitor the OTR
    properly (when the OTR is put in for routine checks)

    9:45 ESR seems to have recovered, Joe Mitchell was called back in and magnets
    are being brought back up.

    12:00 Dipole and quadrupole Electron and Hadron spectrometer magnets are back up. Q2 and Q3 have been cycled. Manually tweeked current on hadron dipole to get it to regulate. Lindgren.

    12:45 Target cool-down in progress and is almost complete. Switching to cold
    return back to ESR.

    13:15 Target is cooled down and is now ready for beam.

    13:37 Beam is ready now, we are doing a harp scan

    14:05 Harp scan and OTR checks complete.

    14:15 Starting to put beam on 3He target. Starting with 50 uA. Things look fine at 50 uA so now removing OTR and going to 100 uA.

    14:23 120 uA of beam on target. Started taking data for kin. 12. Run 2750 is in
    progress and should have 1.5M events by about 17:25. Current T5 rates are of the order of 1 Hz.