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    User name Adaq

    Log entry time 08:04:22 on March18,2000

    Entry number 36410

    keyword=shift summary

    3/17/00 22:49 -start 2801
    3/18/00 00:29 -end 2801
    ........... 00:30 start 2802
    ........... 02:15 end 2802
    ........... 02:16 start 2803
    ............ 04:00 end 2803
    ............ 04:01 start 2804
    ............. 05:03 end 2804 dead time of coda went to 100%
    ............. 05:04 start 2805
    ..............06:46 end 2805
    .............. 06:47 start 2806
    ................08:00 end 2806 to allow access to replace HV card in hadron VDC