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    User name F.Benmokhtar

    Log entry time 08:28:22 on March18,2000

    Entry number 36417

    keyword=e_miss and tc_cor for kin#15 (For 16.5 M)

    -For 16.5 M of events, and with extracting accidentals we have 32 counts in 2bbu peak in e_miss (this is in good agreement with Marat's entry for 10 M).

    -The used cuts are: (See figure 2 for tc_cor)

    -Therfore, for 80 counts in the 2bbu peak we need only 42 M of events with these cuts and a total charge of at least 20.000 mC.

    -We can't make any estimation on the total time, it depends on our beam...

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2