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    User name Aniol

    Log entry time 07:57:17 on March19,2000

    Entry number 36482

    keyword=shift summary

    00:00 - MCC attempting to bring pulsed beam into hall - trouble with "orbits" in accelerator
    02:00- MCC has an optician on the telephone to try to get the beam back
    05:40 - MCC will try to get tuned beam into hall
    06:15 - MCC will try for low current CW and then increase
    06:30 - 28 uA CW in hall A, asked MCC to tune xwidth less than 200u, asked for 120uA
    07:00 - otr x width less than 200u - asked for 120 uA beam
    07:05 - 85uA and rising, start run 2825
    07:08 - beam trips at ~110uA
    07:12 - 111 uA on target
    07:14 - beam off
    07:17 - 100 uA
    07:28 - FSD trip
    07:32 - 110uA
    07:38 - FSD trip
    07:40 105 uA