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    User name aniol

    Log entry time 07:56:24 on March20,2000

    Entry number 36542

    keyword=shift summary

    3/19/00 - 23:52 start run 2836
    3/19/00 - number of 2 body counts after r2835 using 2bbu.kumac = 60.07
    3/20/00 - 01:27 end run 2836
    .............- 01:28 start run 2837
    .................03:05 end run 2837, accelerator tripped
    .................number of 2 body counts after r2837 using 2bbu.kumac = 66.4
    .................03:20 otr < 200u at 5uA
    .................03:20 - 03:37 ramping up to full current
    .................03:30 started run 2838 at 40 uA
    .................03:37 at 120 uA
    ................05:14 end run 2838
    .................number of 2 body counts after r2838 using 2bbu.kumac = 69
    .................05:15 start run 2839
    .................06:54 end run 2839
    .................number of 2 body counts after r2839 using 2bbu.kumac= 72.4
    .................06:55 start run 2840