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    User name Kelly

    Log entry time 15:58:44 on March20,2000

    Entry number 36559

    keyword=shift summary

    0805: kcoda because ROC14 stopped responding. Run end failed.

    0900: hp heater stopped responding. Fixed by resetting IOC. This was probably
    inactive for an hour or so because temperature was drifting slowly. After
    restoration temperature was locked.

    0935: beam trip; stopped run. MCC will need to check energy, tune, etc.

    OTR at 6ua width 0.2/0.1 mm
    OTR at 27 uA, width 0.15/0.1 mm. MCC had wrong filtering, corrected.
    Return to production

    1105: beam off, CARM alarm dropped half accel. to beam permit
    1110: beam back

    1545: Hall C energy FFB flipping on/off, affecting our energy also.

    Good shift.