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    User name Aniol

    Log entry time 08:14:27 on March23,2000

    Entry number 36750

    keyword=shift summary

    03/23/00 - 00:38 after run 2894, kin 12, 2body peak = 182
    00:56 - stop run 2895 because coda is acting up. The event rate falls to zero, even though the beam is at 115uA. Dead time reads 0%.Then coda seems to recover on its own.
    after run 2895, kin 12, 2 body peak = 198
    00:56 - start run 2896
    01:23 rf trip end run 2896
    after run 2896, kin 12, 2 body peak = 199
    01:43 - beam back , start run 2897
    04:09 - end run 2897
    after run 2897, kin 12, 2body peak = 217
    04:10 start run 2898
    05:30 run 2898 ended abnormally because coda hung up
    after run 2898, kin 12, 2body peak = 225
    run 2899 junk while trying to get coda working
    05:45 start run 2900 after J. Mitchell killed coda and restarted (kcoda)