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    User name Kelly

    Log entry time 16:00:04 on March23,2000

    Entry number 36772

    keyword=shift summary

    0810: asked for controlled access to move spectrometer, but then request
    rescinded because beam will go down at 9:30 anyway; we will run at the
    present settings until then.

    0837: beam back
    0900: pulsed beam for tuning
    0940: access to move espec

    1100: lost control of target lifter. Reset IOC

    1110: MCC says injector work and move of beam spot finished, but problems with IOCs. Estimate half hour to fix. Then want to investigate optics. Apparently
    there is a bad tune, probably incorrect quad, which makes beam too large at
    ep aperture. MCC believes that this is responsible for the difficulties in
    restoring beam to high current after doing low current OTR and harp scans.
    Several times during the last week, 4 or more hours were needed to recover
    the beam after changing current and they hope to fix that problem this

    1215: beam back. start harp scan with raster off.
    1245: try OTR with 20 uA, raster off. Frequent trips
    1250: lost Xsession on hac
    1255: OTR at 10 uA, widths 0.18 x 0.14 mm.
    1310: beam now supposed to be stable at 120 uA, start normalization run
    for kinematics 15
    1400: set up for kin 31

    1405: start set up harp scans for tuning beam line
    1435 harp scans 1234 in run 706, 56 in run 707
    1445: scan completed; ask for beam
    1500: beam back