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    User name G. Quemener

    Log entry time 00:02:45 on March24,2000

    Entry number 36794

    keyword=Shift summary

    Shift summary:

    Kinematics 31 data taking just started at the end of previous shift.
    16h44 Beam off due to trips.
    16h53 beam back
    Smooth data taking.....

    Kinematics 31 runs summary:

    run......Mevts/ Sum..........mC/ Sum..........Time/ Sum...Comments
    2904...1.231/ 01.231........623.7/ 00623.7..1h56/01h56...Good data besides a few trips
    2905...1.001/ 02.232........509.7/ 01133.4..1h18/03h14...Good data
    2906...1.000/ 03.232......~509.7/ 01643.1..1h19/04h33...No end of run, good data
    2907...1.001/ 04.233......~509.7/ 02152.8..1h18/05h51.... idem
    2908...1.000/ 05.233........505.4/ 02658.2..1h17/07h08.....Good data
    2909....to be continued