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    User name aniol

    Log entry time 16:01:07 on March25,2000

    Entry number 36882

    keyword=shift summary

    08:25 ask mcc to adjust beam energy because denergy is -800keV. This is end of run 2929
    08:33 start run 2930
    08:51 energy lock is back on hall C
    09:00 end run 2930 because mcc wants to do energy diagnostics on hall A/C
    09:28 moved in the 10cm dummy for a harp scan
    10:00 attempt to do harp scan and find that the instructions on the webpage are incorrect : the correct file on the medm screen in HAC is
    10:15 Eric had the chance to run one harp scan from mcc and then a crate failed in the south linac. MCC will need to change the crate.
    15:30 accelerator is in pulsed mode, 6uA in accelerator, first beam since 10:00
    15:45 discover Q3 on E-arm tripped due to quench. Rusty Salmon is on his way in.