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    User name F.Benmokhtar

    Log entry time 16:01:30 on March31,2000

    Entry number 37489

    keyword=Shift Summary

    Shift crew:<< Fatiha Benmokhtar, Riad Suleiman>>.

    8:00 Continue Delta Scan with -4%
    8:15 Q3 quenched, asked for an acces to the Hall to reset it.
    8:35 Technicians are working in Q3, it will take more time to repare it because they
    .........found a corosion of one pine of its connector.
    9:13: Technicians finished their work, we started cycling Q3.
    9:45: Finished Cycling Q3.
    There is some work in the injector.
    10:18 Beam back, Harp scan raster off, run#763.
    10:38 Back to H target.
    10:40 Beam down for 25 mn.
    11:10 beam back, continue Delta Scan.
    11:50 Finished with Delta scan runs.
    11:53 Asked for an access to move electron arm to 118.72 deg.
    11:55 Start moving Hadron spectrometer to 14.43 deg.
    11:59 Change the fields in electron and Hadron arms.
    12:42 Electron arm moved to 75 deg during the access, we have to go up
    ..........to 118.72 from here.
    13:20: Start Carbon Pointing (I=30uA) .
    13:30: Reset Ts1 because it has not reported status for few minutes.
    13:55: Start Hydrogen Runs, To avoid boiling we are runing at 10 uA.
    14:30: Mcc called, beam will be down in few minutes
    14:35: Changed the electron diplole probe to #3 , because of the small field.
    14:45: Beam down for half an hour.
    15:25 Beam back.

    Run#...... #event....Time...Comments
    3085 ...... 0.46M.... 0:06.... -4% Q3 quenched in the end.
    3087 ...... 0.09M ....... 0:02.....Run Stopped, Beam down
    3088 ...... 1.08M ....... 0:14..... Delta Scan -4%
    3089 ...... Junk
    3090 ...... 1.50M ....... 0:21.... Delta Scan -5%.

    Theta_e=118.72 deg, Theta_h=14.23
    P0_e=0.421 GeV/c, P0_h=1.502 deg, changed the trigger files

    3091 ....... Junk , Ts1 did not report status for few minutes.
    3092 ...... Carbon Pointing run.

    Hydrogen Runs for kin#102:
    Run#...... #event....Time...Comments
    3093 ......0.86 M.....0:43.... Stopped, Beam down.
    3094 ......test run
    3095 ......Goes to the next shift.