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    User name K. Aniol

    Log entry time 17:25:23 on December 14,1999

    Entry number 31022

    keyword=current elastic settings for 3He

    The commissioning run plan was done before the new (Nov. 11, 1999) kinematics was decided upon. The corresponding Q2 for the current energies are below.
    The counting rates are the same, about, as in the commisioning plan on the web because the Q2 are only slightly different.

    E_e th_e Q2 th_e for 842MeV p_e
    4045. 12.5 19.27 68.17 708.96
    2028 12.61 5.01 31.06 807.78
    1254. 12.5 1.90 18.75 829.31
    2903. 12.50 10.02 45.54 773.06
    1003. 12.50 1.216 14.92* 834.08
    4803. 12.50 27.00 87.25** 655.40

    * would require Ed Folts to get hrse below 15deg
    ** this takes too long to do in December