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    User name Epstein

    Log entry time 21:54:40 on December 14,1999

    Entry number 31034

    keyword=run plan for 12/14/99

    RUN PLAN for 12/14/99

    I) 3He target I-scan theta_e = 31.06 degrees Pe = 0.8078 GeV/c
    theta_p = 23.40 degrees Pp = 0.9993 GeV/c

    1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 -> maximum uA set raster 4x3 mm fan speed 20%.

    II) Nilanga's pointing procedure

    12C Keep the theta's and P's same as above. Need 20,000 counts
    in each arm. Adjust prescale factors to make the counting
    rates almost equal in each arm.

    III) Missing Energy Resolution Study (keep raster at 4x3 mm)

    a) Move to kinematics #17 as modified for Eo = 842.0 MeV
    theta_e = 100.716 degrees Pe = 0.4040 GeV/c
    theta_p = 23.404 degrees Pp = 0.99934

    b) Take 12C(e,e'p) data with both collimators out. Need about
    10,000 cts in the p shell peak which should take < 30 minutes

    c) Take 3He(e,e'p) data with both collimators out, raster size 4x3 mm.
    I = maximum current the target can take. Need 10,000 counts in two
    body peak, should take 0.5 hours. ( Run for at least 0.5 hours)
    All T5, prescale T1, T2, T3, T4 to 100 Hz each.

    IV) Elastic Scattering Runs - Collimator out. Do not touch HRSH and make
    sure that it is running in a stable mode since it is our luminosity
    monitor. Take about 20,000 counts in the elastic peak. (Analyze 10,000
    events to get the fraction of good events to estimate the total number
    of events needed.) All runs must be at least 10 minutes long.

    The commissioning run plan was done before the new (Nov. 11, 1999) kinematics
    was decided upon. The corresponding Q2 for the current energies are below.
    The counting rates are the same, about, as in the commisioning plan on the web
    because the Q2 are only slightly different. All data are for Eo = 842.MeV

    Q2 theta_e P_e
    . 1.22 14.92* 834.08
    1.90 18.75 829.31
    5.01 31.06 807.78
    10.08 45.70 772.63
    19.39 68.45 708.15
    * would require tech on calL to get HRSE below 15 degrees

    V) a) Call Michael Kuss. Change density of target to 1/4 density
    (250mg/cm^2). Go back to kinematics #17 { see III(a) above }.
    Repeat III c).

    b) Do small I scan study for I = 1, 30, Imax. For 4x3 mm raster.