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    User name K. Aniol

    Log entry time 17:08:29 on December 17,1999

    Entry number 31324

    keyword=reproduciblitiy of Q2=5.01 /fm2

    Comparison of Q2=5.01 /fm2 elastic points
    cuts abs(reactez)<0.02 & abs(ph_tgte)<0.02 & abs(th_tgte)<0.04

    run 1309 - counts=5205, mean=805.2, ps1 = 2, live time = 0.939, I=2.4uA
    analyzed 200000 events ,
    projected for all events = 653549,
    normalized counts/uC including live time = 20.8/uC (left picture)

    run 1389 - counts = 2219, mean = 805.2,ps1=1, live time = 0.809, I= 1.6uA
    analyzed 100000 events
    normalized counts/uC including live time = 20.8/uC (right picture)
    projected for all events = 1.08419e6

    Conclusion: The elastic run 1309 was taken during the Iscan. The elastic run 1389 was taken after the beam energy change and after we had changed the hrse momentum and angles. Both spectra show the same normalized counts/uC and the same shape distribution in momentum and centroid(805.2 MeV). We were able to reproduce the angle and energy settings.

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2