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    User name Quemener

    Log entry time 00:37:42 on December 18,1999

    Entry number 31351

    keyword=swing shift summary

    16:15 we asked for 70 micro Amperes.
    16:45 We have 75 micro amperes!
    17:18 Beam stoppped during run # 1398 because of problems in the injector.
    17:24 MCC called injector people to discuss problems, now they cannot deliver more then 50 micro Amperes.
    17:29 MCC cannot deliver more than 30 micro Amperes, Injector on called have been contacted.
    17:50 Beam is back at 40 micro Amperes.
    18:09 Beam is off in order to fix it for hall B.
    18:30 Magnets problems in the accelerator, magnet people on call contacted.
    19:13 Magnets problems fixed in the accelerator, they are going to tune the beam and give CW.
    19:28 Beam is back: 18 micro Amperes when making harp scans in Hall B. If things
    are good, Mcc will try to deliver 40 micro Amperes.
    19:39 Beam off for tuning in Hall B.
    20:18 40 micro Amperes beam inb the hall.
    22:00 We finished Q2 = 15.00 and change the target to 12C with raster OFF
    22:12 End 12C run for Helium at Q2=15.00, start change of configuration for E-arm at 68.45 deg and momentum 708.15 MeV/c

    List of runs summary:
    Q2 = 15.00 on Helium 3: first run 1391 last run is 1403
    run # # of events Comment
    1396 1.3M Good Q2 = 15.00
    1397 1.3M " Q2 = 15.00
    1398 740k " Q2 = 15.00
    1399 94.3k " Q2 = 15.00
    1400 388k " Q2 = 15.00
    1401 1M " Q2 = 15.00
    1402 1M " Q2 = 15.00
    1403 757k " Q2 = 15.00

    1404 24K " 12C pointing
    Configuration change E-arm
    1405 25.7K " 12C pointing
    1406 JUNK for raster testing purposes
    1407 JUNK for raster testing purposes
    This waas found unsubmitted