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    User name R. Gilman

    Log entry time 08:03:17 on December 18,1999

    Entry number 31386

    keyword=owl shift summary

    Elastic He-3 Q2= 19.39

    runs in this kinematics:

    1408 started 23:30 1.5 M events

    1409 started 00:30 1.5 M events

    1410 started 01:40 1.5 M events

    1411 started 02:53 0.06 M events

    3:05 MCC fiddling with injector capture section to try to get us more current.

    3:22 MCC is going to try to ramp current up with the prebuncher off
    and see if they can get to 65 microA.

    3:28 at 64 microA, they may try to bump us up to 70

    1412 started 03:27 1.5 M events

    1413 started 04:29 1.5 M events

    1414 started 05:29 ended 05:55 when ROC14 crashed

    1415 started 06:02 0.67 M

    At 6:30 we start to change to new configuration, kinematics 17,
    e-arm goes to 421 MeV/c and 95.94 degrees

    Run 1416 takes 280 k events in 15 minutes.

    Run 1417 spot check.

    3He runs
    1418 started 07:37