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    User name Templon

    Log entry time 10:59:51 on December 18,1999

    Entry number 31398

    keyword=trigger check kin 27 link point

    After config change (kin 27 normalization link point), noticed lots more
    T2's than T1's. Using Bob's HANA program, we see that most of the
    T2's are events with either one scint plane or the other, not both.
    further more, none of them appear to have VDCs. So they look like
    junk events. not clear why so many although i don't know what the
    ratio T2/T1 was for the previous setting ... also, would be interesting
    to know if it's possible to get VDCs when one of S planes is missing
    (is S1/S2 coinc required for TDC conversion?)