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    User name Templon

    Log entry time 04:21:39 on September30,2000

    Entry number 48625

    keyword=harp scan / bcm cal

    Harp scans to calibrate bcms.
    mcc was asked to center beam
    in table below, espa. means what is reconstructed by espace.

    bpmbx bpmby harp_run daq_run harpx harpy espa. x espa. y
    -0.050 +0.008 984 1109 +0.121 +0.618 -2.000 +0.500
    -0.052 +1.043 985 1110 +0.112 +1.576 -1.986 +1.555
    -0.096 +1.704 986 1111 +0.180 +2.248 -1.910 +2.226
    -2.082 +1.758 987 1112 +2.526 +2.270 +0.932 +2.421
    -2.098 +1.070 988 1113 +2.551 +1.557 +0.913 +1.686
    -2.115 +0.110 989 1114 +2.551 +0.582 +0.901 +0.659
    -0.939 +0.072 990 1115 +1.270 +0.585 -0.483 +0.591
    -0.936 +1.025 991 1116 +1.273 +1.535 -0.463 +1.588
    -2.065 -1.984 992 1117 +2.522 -1.559 +0.906 -1.584
    -0.089 -2.043 993 1118 +0.380 -1.554 -1.494 -1.632
    +1.841 -2.101 994 1119 -1.651 -1.564 -3.799 -1.797
    +1.858 -0.051 995 1120 -1.666 +0.577 -3.697 +0.396
    +1.716 +1.711 996 1121 -1.508 +2.390 -3.548 +2.304
    +1.465 +0.968 997 1122 -1.208 +1.553 -3.151 +1.507
    +0.990 -0.963 998 1123 -0.816 -0.462 -2.834 -0.638
    -1.087 -1.024 999 1124 +1.379 -0.597 -0.459 -0.675
    +0.092 +0.190 1000 1125 +0.140 +0.555 -1.800 +0.474

    end of bcm calibration.