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    User name M Jones

    Log entry time 19:00:29 on October 1,2000

    Entry number 48945

    keyword=looking at detectors with espace

    looking at detectors with espace
    In general run espace with espace_kumac/e97111_det
    The hbook file is hbook/e97111_det_####.hbook
    Right now the ET system is working so it is best to run the detector
    kumac after the run is ended. So it is probably good to use
    hana to look at detectors during the run since it use ET and
    doesn't cause deadtime. I will work on getting ET
    into espace (it use to work ??).

    To look at detectors in paw++ you can run paw_kumac/e97111_det.kumac
    This goes through all the different detectors.
    The e97111_det.kumac is listed below:

    exec paw_kumac/open_hbook
    lunp = 0
    trace off
    message in LUN = [lunp] num = [lunn] run = [nrun]
    message Starting paw_kumac/sc_adc_espec.kumac
    exec paw_kumac/sc_adc_espec.kumac nrun=[nrun]
    message Starting paw_kumac/sc_adc_hspec.kumac
    exec paw_kumac/sc_adc_hspec.kumac nrun=[nrun]
    message Starting paw_kumac/sc_tdc_espec.kumac
    exec paw_kumac/sc_tdc_espec.kumac nrun=[nrun]
    message Starting paw_kumac/sc_tdc_hspec.kumac
    exec paw_kumac/sc_tdc_hspec.kumac nrun=[nrun]
    message Starting paw_kumac/vdc_espec.kumac
    exec paw_kumac/vdc_espec.kumac nrun=[nrun]
    message Starting paw_kumac/vdc_hspec.kumac
    exec paw_kumac/vdc_hspec.kumac nrun=[nrun]
    message Starting paw_kumac/gas_elec.kumac
    exec paw_kumac/gas_elec.kumac nrun=[nrun]
    message Starting paw_kumac/aero_had.kumac
    exec paw_kumac/aero_had.kumac nrun=[nrun]

    Each of the individual kumacs in e97111_det can be run separately.