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    User name R. Michaels

    Log entry time 01:58:40 on October 2,2000

    Entry number 48995

    keyword=after re-tuning, current scan (II)

    The MCC has spent some time retuning the beam orbit.
    The problem was that with the beam at our centered position
    of +1.7, the beam was off at the dump. I wonder why ?
    Now the beam center seems to be at -2.0 mm, but I admit
    the camera visual is very poor. We can't see the outline
    of the re-entrant hole. Anyway, when we increased the current
    slowly to 20 microamps the beam tripped off. MCC says
    "we must be hitting something". Target taken out for them
    to study the beam orbit again. I guess we don't know where
    the beam is.