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    User name Templon

    Log entry time 05:47:43 on October 2,2000

    Entry number 49031


    keyword=unexplained VDC weirdness

    plots below of angle vs. position (wire number) in vdc planes.
    question #1 -- why do we have gaps in the planes? looks like it may
    be either a detmap problem, or a cabling problem. however the gaps look
    to be in the same place in all planes, so my bet is on the detmap.
    question #2 -- why do the plots for SL look so different than those for SR?
    the slopes of the tracks should be similar for both spectrometers. Hard to tell
    which one is correct, since I cannot find the definition of "slope" in the
    espace manual (i know, use the source, luke).

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2