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    User name M Jones

    Log entry time 17:15:40 on October 3,2000

    Entry number 49206

    keyword=header files and replay

    header files and replay
    1. When running espace use espace_kumac/e97111.kumac
    It will ask you run number, the kinematics and the
    number of events. The kinematics is added to the header file name.
    For the first kinematics the header file is header/hdr_py_1A .
    So one would enter py_1A when asked. The hbook created is hbook/e97111_####.hbook . It contains a couple of ntuples.
    For now the ET system doesn't work in espace, so the data
    is gotten from the disk. At high data rate this can lead to the
    deadtime being erratically high. So it is probably best to
    look at detectors with hana or dhist. It is probably best
    the high data rate to do a short run (maybe five minutes)
    and then start a new run and anaylze the previous run.

    2. When kinematics change you need to change the header
    file. For espace spece is the left arm and spech is the right
    arm. Below is header/hdr_py_1A .
    The main part to change is the dipole magnetic field
    for each arm. The field is the first entry in
    the spece and spech lines . The units are in kG so
    multiple the D-N field in tesla in the HAC medm
    screen by 10.
    The second part is the angles. They are the second entry
    on the spece and spech lines. Be sure that the spech offset
    is negative.

    reaction c (e,e,p)
    e0 r 1 2384
    particle_e c lepton
    spece r 5 7.788987 16.846 0.000 0.030 0.060
    spece_offset r 3 0.00 0.000 0.00
    particle_h c hadron
    spech r 5 2.760161 -58.814 0.000 0.030 0.060
    spech_offset r 3 0.00 0.000 0.00
    target r 6 5.000 0.14 1.0 1.0 2.0
    tar_offset r 3 0.00 0.00 0.00
    * tar_angle is ignored for non-model 1 targets,
    * but espace requires to specify angles.
    tar_angle r 2 666.666666 666.666666
    isotope1_name c 4He
    isotope1 r 3 1.000 4.00 2.000
    reconstruct r 1 2.0
    eloss r 3 0.000 0.000 0.000
    beam_vertex r 1 1