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    User name epstein

    Log entry time 23:55:33 on October 3,2000

    Entry number 49209

    keyword=shift summary

    Shift Summary:
    16:40 ESR went down and we lost target and magnets
    18:10 ESR back up starting to fill magnets
    19:16 setting magnet momenta and starting target cool down
    19:31 ESR died again, setting magnets to 0 momenta
    20:28 ESR back up checking magnet cooling
    21:00 ESR down again
    22:45 ESR effectively back up again, i.e. coolant levels are sufficient
    to get the magnets up.
    23:15 magnets coming back up. Q2, Q3 on both arms were cycled. We had
    to set the regulation on "by hand" for both dipoles before they would ramp up
    23:44 magnets about up. The only problem is that the helium level in the left dipole is in the yellow range and has just gone into the red range at 64%.